Queryable Logo

Asynchronous View Presentations in SwiftUI

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Turn this


struct ContentView: View {
@State private var isShowingConfirmationAlert = false
var body: some View {
Button("Do it!") {
isShowingConfirmationAlert = true
isPresented: $isShowingConfirmationAlert
) {
Button("Yes") { confirmAction(true) }
Button("No") { confirmAction(false) }
} message: {}
private func confirmAction(_ isConfirmed: Bool) {

Into this


struct ContentView: View {
@Queryable<Void, Bool> var buttonConfirmation
var body: some View {
Button("Do it!", action: confirm)
controlledBy: buttonConfirmation,
title: "Really?"
) { item, query in
Button("Yes") { query.answer(with: true) }
Button("No") { query.answer(with: false) }
} message: {_ in}
private func confirm() {
Task {
do {
let isConfirmed = try await buttonConfirmation.query()
} catch {}

Queryable is a property wrapper that can trigger a view presentation and await its completion from a single async function call, while fully hiding the state handling of the presented view.